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Tokyo Couture Fashion Week is scheduled to be held on Friday, October 18, 2024.
We are looking for designers from Japan and abroad who would like to showcase their work at this memorable international fashion show.

【Entry fee】

10 outfits = $3,000
1 outfit = $300
Minimum Outfits are 10

【Entry deadline】

August 31, 2024

【What is included in the participation fee】

・10 models
・Model hair styling and makeup
・photography shoot
・Video shooting
・Media exposure
・Backstage service
・Floor management
・Dinner & drinks
・2 VIP seats

【Flow from entry to the day】

① First screening: Apply using the dedicated entry form
② The management office will contact you via the registered email or phone number.
③ Complete registration by transferring the participation fee of $3,000 to the designated account.
④ Posted on official website and SNS as a participating designer
⑤ Preliminary meeting (several times)
⑥ Fitting and party for those involved the day before the fashion show
⑦ Rehearsal on the day

⑤ Preliminary meeting (several times)
⑥ Fitting and party for those involved the day before the fashion show
⑦ Rehearsal on the day

【The Benefits of Participating in This Show】

① Designers will showcase their design in a high class venue in front of distinguished guests and important people including over 100 beauty queens, many fashion retailers, and potential buyers .
② Very good exposure .
③ Meet and create good business connections with important local and international business leaders and important people.